10 Benefits of Digital Schoolhouse

Author: sophia.aker

Applications for Digital Schoolhouse are now open and there are a whole host of reasons why you should consider applying!

Digital Schoolhouse offers teachers, schools and colleges a unique opportunity to inspire, create and collaborate, to revolutionise computing education and equip the next generation with the digital skills they need to thrive. As it happens, industry agrees, and - delivered by games trade body, Ukie - we’re in a privileged position to begin bridging the gap between education and industry. We aspire to a more aligned view on how the future workforce should be successfully prepared, and that students are given the opportunities they deserve, in an industry they love.

There are lots of reasons to join Digital Schoolhouse and we’ve handpicked 10 amazing benefits that shouldn’t be missed.


1. Free to join! (no additional costs, with funding opportunities available)

As a not-for-profit initiative, we are entirely funded by our supporters, with no cost to schools/colleges that join the programme. Each Schoolhouse even has an opportunity to apply for a bursary to support the implementation of the programme at their school! That means, not only is it free, but we could end up paying you to pursue your passion in inspiring the next generation.

2. CPD events & training for teachers

As a Digital Schoolhouse Lead Teacher (DSLT) we understand that not everyone feels empowered to deliver Creative Computing from the get-go, as a result we induct every new school/college in a one-stop-shop Summer ‘Boot-up’ Camp to harness their own creativity and prepare them for the implementation of DSH at their school. Throughout the year we also host Ingenuity Days which are an ingenious amalgamation of exciting programme updates, CPD training and opportunities brought to you by the likes of BAFTA YGDUnityScirra and We are IVE. In addition, we help teachers with wider CPD opportunities too, from headlining articles to speaking at events and more.

3. Raised school profile locally and nationally

We encourage Schoolhouses to market their workshops (with our support should they need it!) and to connect with local businesses and authorities. Spreading the word and increasing your reach in the community means more schools have access to this opportunity, besides the opportunities that may follow for your school when professionals in your local area know what you're doing!

4. Ground-breaking careers education

Digital Schoolhouse delivers its annual esports tournament to schools & colleges across the UK every year. It’s aim, to provide an immersive careers education experience. Students aged 12-18 years can participate as players or fulfil professional roles crafted by the video games industry, for education. Skills that students develop whilst participating in the tournament are recognised by the Duke of York’s Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award (iDEA).

Indeed, Digital Schoolhouse's landmark report provides evidence that participating in the tournament can help to not just engage our students with developing their digital skills and broader soft skills, but also enables them to aspire to career pathways that they may not have otherwise considered. Additionally, as many as 93.94% of students said that taking part in the tournament made them more interested in computing.

5. Direct links with the UK video games industry

Delivered by games trade body Ukie, powered by PlayStation and sponsored by SEGA, Digital Schoolhouse is uniquely placed to benefit from both industry and Education expertise. This allows us to draw ever-closer to realising our vision. Within our workshops, this also enables us to focus on what students need to thrive in the Digital economy, as well as meeting curriculum needs.

6. Free classroom resources

Our portfolio of original cross-curricular resources have been written to align with the UK computing curriculum, as well as using expertise from a plethora of educationalists and industry professionals including BBC, Disney, BAFTA and Apps for Good.

Each workshop contains a teaching guide, presentation and worksheets for pupils to engage with Creative Computing. In our online resource library, you'll also find our Playful Computing Activities which epitomise how play-based learning can be implemented in the classroom and feature a range of 'unplugged' exercises to establish complex computing concepts to Primary pupils.

7. Leading teaching pedagogy

Innovation and creativity are at the heart of everything we do in DSH and that’s why we are constantly working on improving and refining our pedagogical approach to teaching computing. The DSH team and our community of teachers undertake practitioner research to help ensure we stay at the cutting edge of teaching expertise - key to making a difference to computing education across the country.

We believe in the power of play and all our workshops and resources use a play-based learning approach. By harnessing children’s natural curiosity about the world, we can guide their exploration of key concepts and help them make their own discoveries in the field of computer science. Using creative resources and ideas to engage students easily does this, as well as helping them understand the underlying key concepts within the technology they use.

8. Boosted network locally and nationally

The very nature of workshop delivery means that Primary schools will visit the hosting Schoolhouse, naturally connecting schools within the local and wider area to you. As a Digital Schoolhouse you are also part of the DSH Lead Teacher community, positioned at various educational institutions throughout the UK, and who you'll meet at various CPD and training opportunities throughout the year.

Explore how the programme works

9. Direct contact with a specialist Digital Schoolhouse teacher

Within our Lead Teacher community, we have a variety of teachers who've been part of the programme for a number of years, and others who are brand new. We ensure that our new Schoolhouses have ample opportunity to talk to experienced DSLTs who can impart their experiences and knowledge whilst you find your feet (and don’t worry we won't just disappear!) As we've already mentioned, we champion our teaching community and ensure that throughout the year we maintain connected and inspired always.

As reflected in our programme values, we take pride in cherishing our community of passionate and proactive teachers, who challenge perceptions of Computing through innovation and exploration together. It may sound cheesy, but we really are a like-minded bunch who love computing. If you feel the same… this is the programme for you!

10. Personalised support programme for every schoolhouse

We understand that every school and every teacher is different - with different needs, wants and objectives for joining the programme. The Digital Schoolhouse team works hard to ensure that every teacher and school is getting the most from the programme, as well as offering support, advice and opportunities along the way.

Now you've reached benefit number 10, looks like we've definitely peaked your interest! If you'd like to find out more about joining us, APPLY HERE. Please note, applying to the programme doesn’t commit you to joining. After applications close on 31/03/19 Digital Schoolhouse will contact all applicants to begin the selection process.

Learn more about the application process and how to apply.

