DSH to hold workshops at MOV-UP Istanbul in international conference on early childhood education

Author: sophia.aker

We’re excited to be flying the DSH flag in Istanbul this week, as we attend aninternational conference on “policies, practices and qualifications in early childhood education”. Organised by MOV-UP Istanbul, and hosted at Doga schools, the conference invites stakeholders in education, including teachers, researchers, psychologists, local authorities & edu experts, to present and exchange ideas about the formative importance of pre-school and primary education.

During the conference, we’ll be delivering a hands-on interactive session to fellow delegates on our unique play-based approach to learning the Computing curriculum. Shahneila will be demonstrating how complex concepts are taught in our workshops, using activities that capture the imagination of young children, from card games, to magic, to playground activities… essentially what our ingenious Lead Teachers deliver every week to their local primaries!  

Co-founded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, MOV-UP is part of a wider project that was launched to help prepare teachers for developing and expanding the skills of young learners, specifically in early childhood education.

The conference includes discussions and plenary sessons on a number of important topics, from inclusivity in classrooms, to improving learning outcomes & teacher CPD. 

We’re thrilled to not only share our own ideas, but to be able to connect with international delegates from all over Europe to learn more about the different approaches to teaching young children across a variety of disciplines and subjects. As always, we’ll be championing the power of play and are excited to connect with likeminded educators from across the continent! 
