Partner spotlight: Scirra

Author: sophia.aker

We feel incredibly privileged to be supported by passionate and generous industry partners, who have enabled us to reach thousands of pupils across the UK and make our vision of bridging the gap between education and industry a reality.

"It’s incredibly rewarding to be able to work with teachers and students, not just with our own product but as a part of Digital Schoolhouse’s other initiatives too."

Today, we're in conversation with our red tier partner, Scirra. Scirra is the organisation behind the 2D game engine Construct 3. Their software enables anyone to make games without having to know how to code. Though they have recently added the ability to use JavaScript in C3, so there are even more ways to build your dream game.  Scirra reveals what it is like supporting the programme, and why they decided to get involved. 

Why did you get involved with supporting the programme?

From a business perspective, it’s offered us a unique opportunity to learn more about the education sector. We can see first-hand how some amazing teachers are tackling modern computer science education which means we can try and make our engine more suited for our education users. Plus, there’s a very real skills gap facing our industry, so being a part of an organisation trying to bridge that gap is a fantastic opportunity!

On a more personal theme, it’s incredibly rewarding to be able to work with teachers and students, not just with our own product but as a part of Digital Schoolhouse’s other initiatives too.

What has been your favourite part of working with DSH?

Being involved with the Esports tournament has been a lot of fun, and quite insightful too. Our community manager is joining in as a careers coach for the second year, and it’s great to engage with the students throughout the whole event.

We’ve also really enjoyed seeing what ways the teachers come up with for using Construct 3 in the classroom – there are some incredibly innovative educators out there! And of course, hearing that students are enjoying using and learning with our software through Digital Schoolhouse is one of the best testimonies we could ask for!

What advice would you give other org’s who want to get involved in supporting grassroots education?

Just jump in. If you have the opportunity, get involved, even if it’s at the smallest level. Our industry can only benefit from organisations helping the next generation, seeing as they’ll be the ones taking over from us! It doesn’t have to be as big as offering loads of work experience placements or running special events. Even just speaking to local schools or colleges about what your organisation does and how students could follow a career in the industry can be incredibly helpful.

Learn more about our sponsorship tiers and how you can get involved in supporting the programme
