Ubisoft, SEGA and Konami welcome students for the Creative Careers Week

Author: sophia.aker

Last week we were thrilled to be able to take part in the first ever Discover! Creative Careers Week! Our Schoolhouses including Langley GrammarShire Oak AcademyTownley GrammarPrendergast Ladywell SchoolSt John Fisher Catholic VoluntaryMillais School and Woking High School visited local games studios for an assortment of activities and awe-inspiring talks from a cross-section of employees across multiple disciplines - vital for showcasing the multifaceted business and technical roles available in the creative space.

DAY 1 

As Laura and Shahneila travelled down to KONAMI's offices in Windsor, I headed to Ubisoft in Guildford. From entering their quirky and fun studio we were met with lifesize models of their classic characters, from Rabbids to Assassins Creed. We welcomed Schoolhouses Millais and Woking High who were buzzing with excitement from the moment they walked through the doors, eyeing the attention-grabbing artwork and details of the offices.

Image result for ubisoft guildford

At Ubisoft, our day began with a short tour, followed by a presentation from key people within Ubisoft’s marketing and PR departments. We learned about their career journeys, from GCSE to where they are now. They revealed their previous jobs and the steps they had taken before landing in their current position in the video games industry. Along the way, we learned what specific careers entail. Ubisoft’s Senior Brand Manager, Lottie, discussed how she needs to be vigilant to make sure that their brand is always put in the best light. Comms Exec Katie told our students how building relationships and being a natural leader helped her in a role where she guides journalists on press trips. 


Following the presentations, the students were put to work on a marketing brief. Tasked with pitching a marketing plan for the launch of Just Dance 2020, students had to come up with the best plan of action, adhere to a budget and develop a strategy. Students worked together in groups and used the knowledge they had already learned from the previous presentation.


After being marketing experts for the morning, we headed down to the games room, where several rounds of Just Dance 2020 ensued!

Meanwhile, KONAMI kicked off their session with talks by people from across the business, from accounting, legal, IP, digital marketing and sales. Students then had to work together in teams and adopt the roles of accounting director, legal director, marketing director and sales director and come up with a viable games launch. 

Not only did they have to plan, but they also had to deliver a presenation to KONAMI employees. The team who managed to make the most revenue from their plan were crowned winners, and this time Langley Grammar, walked away with prizes and merch.

However, no one went home empty handed, as students were given goodie bags as a token of taking part! 

DAY 2 

The next day, Mike and I found ourselves in West London at SEGA Europe HQ, where Schoolhouses had travelled from as far as Yorkshire to attend our last Discover! Creative Careers day. Indeed, SEGA made it a worthwhile journey with an exciting and interactive morning.

After taking a classic selfie with Sonic at reception, nearly 50 students filled SEGA's large boardroom to begin the day. 

Key professionals at SEGA, from HR and legal to technical and marketing experts, dropped by to tell their career stories. Our young audience were engaged in conversation and given opportunities to ask questions, allowing them to get a real insight into life at SEGA and a taste for the industry. 

It didn't stop there, however, as students were put to work in groups and tasked with coming planning and pitching an event idea. Their challenge, to promote Team Sonic Racing. Pete and Jasmine, Head of PR and Junior PR manager respectively coached students through the session, giving feedback and advice along the way. Lots of whacky ideas came to fruition, including a Sonic festival, mystery experience, pop-up houses and even a Sonic theme park! 

We’re thrilled to have opened students’ eyes to opportunities within the creative industry that they may not have been aware of, and connecting them with professionals who want to share their own career journeys to inspire the talent of tomorrow! 

Learn more about Creative Careers Week here.
