Digital Schoolhouse wins global Digital Wellbeing Spotlight awarded by Supercell and HundrED

Author: Laura.Martin

To cap off a landmark year for the programme, we can finally announce that Digital Schoolhouse been awarded the HundrED spotlight on Digital Wellbeing in partnership with Supercell.

Following a year-long search, this inaugural spotlight celebrates organisations from across the globe that are implementing creative innovations in order to promote and improve digital wellbeing, and we’re over the moon to be one of the selected few!

“The digital world is a rapidly growing part of our lives today and young people are spending more and more time with digital devices. This technological impact has many positive effects; for example, an increased scope in learning and connecting with others from all over the world" said Lasse Leponiemi, co-founder & executive director at HundrED.

HundrED, who have pioneered the award received over 100 nominations for this award category: projects that target educators and students on vital aspects of the digital environment: computer science, social media use, cybersecurity, cyberbullying, and digital media literacy.

"It is becoming increasingly necessary for young people to adopt healthier habits when using digital devices so that they can fully develop their mental, physical, and social wellbeing in the hyperconnected world. In the modern world, young people need to learn to separate fact from fiction in order to become better informed and engaged citizens,” continued Leponiemi.

The winning innovations were chosen by HundrED Academy members and research teams. These experienced Academy Members and Ambassadors are rigorously and selectively chosen with an emphasis on maintaining a diversity of perspectives. Every potential innovation is then carefully analysed and discussed to evaluate which are the most impactful and scalable.

Shahneila Saeed, director of Digital Schoolhouse said:

“Being selected for the HundrED Digital Wellbeing spotlight is the perfect way to end a landmark year for Digital Schoolhouse. With special thanks to our partners, teachers and students, we've achieved significant milestones and historic levels of engagement for the programme. To receive this award from HundrED's esteemed judges and Supercell is the global recognition we've dreamed of. Playful computing and digital wellbeing are intrinsic to helping the next generation fulfil their creative potential, but vitally, in becoming accomplished digital citizens that are equipped with the correct Computational Thinking skills to thrive."

Estelle and I we’re lucky enough to attend the HundrED Innovation Summit in Helsinki earlier this year to meet likeminded innovations, and funders alike. Amidst some truly though-provoking keynotes from Sarah Bouchie, head of global programmes at the Lego Foundation and more, frivolities included a 3 Michelin star meal in the most sophisticated and futuristic school I have ever been to… It’s safe to say we’re very content with our HundrED status right now. 

Thank you HundrED and Supercell!

