New College Swindon on the DSH esports regional qualifiers

Author: tony.gilbert

It has been a very exciting and busy 5 months or so at New College Swindon with our internal Smash Bros league-taking place every lunchtime. Despite having over 100 learners across the college sign up we decided to put the tournament in the canteen to increase awareness and interest around esports. This has resulted in lots of spectators, including staff and students, watching the matches.

Students have taken complete ownership of the internal competition with admin, coaching and event management. The number of learners wanting to do shout casting has increased by almost 15% on the previous year due to the success of our very own Dan Parker in 2018. We have seen more female participation and delighted to see a female in the final team representing the college.

The general hype, buzz and excitement from learners around the esports tournament has been special. Having been one of the first Digital Schoolhouse’s to be involved in the esports competition this is now an integral part of our extra-curricular activities for learners to take alongside their main study programme. The additional benefits that learners gain from this competition is huge, we have seen learners improve confidence, motivation, self-belief, communication and team working skills. 

“The tournament has helped me with my confidence and motivation with my studies. I truly loved attending the Bristol Belong arena it was a truly awesome time. I loved being there and even though I lost quite a bit it was fun anyway. 

Jayne H – Member of the New College Regional winning team

The regional tournament allowed the opportunity for students to collaborate and meet new gaming enthusiasts from other schools / colleges that is also beneficial to learners.

“The whole tournament has been a fun experience. It was interesting meeting new players and seeing different kind of playing styles. I even decided to get involved in shoutcasting at the regional event” George O – Student at New College

Students, lecturers, senior management and business support staff are eagerly awaiting the Smash Bros esports semi-finals in London as the New College team aim for more success! 
