Join Digital Schoolhouse


Digital Schoolhouse (DSH) together with Nintendo continues to grow year-on-year as we seek forward-thinking teachers from schools and colleges across the UK who are passionate about Computing, to join us.

In light of the evolving COVID-19 situation we have decided to extend applications until 5pm on 1 May. Please note that we are taking extended measures to ensure the safety of everyone involved throughout our application process. We will therefore arrange virtual interviews as opposed to physical selection visits.

Discover why you should be part of our fast-growing network of leading institutions and teachers. Be part of the computing revolution.


The benefits.

  1. Free to join! (no hidden costs and funding opportunities available)
  2. Free CPD & training for teachers
  3. Raised school profile locally and nationally
  4. Ground-breaking careers education
  5. Direct links with the UK video games industry
  6. Free classroom resources
  7. Leading teaching pedagogy
  8. Boosted network locally and nationally
  9. Direct contact with a specialist Digital Schoolhouse teacher
  10. Free personalised support programme for every Schoolhouse

The selection process.

1. Apply

Apply here

  • Applications have been extended. Apply before 5pm 1 May 2020
  • Selected schools become Digital Schoolhouses
  • Each Digital Schoolhouse appoints a Lead Teacher (LT) to supervise the programme in their school

2. Train

  • Training is underpinned by academic research and education philosophies
  • Digital Schoolhouse LTs are provided with unique teacher training and CPD delivered by the Digital Schoolhouse team, universities and industry guests throughout the year

3. Teach

  • Free and flexible workshops are taught by LTs to visiting schools in their local area
  • Free resources and personalised support programmes are offered to the visiting teachers to help them embed computing in their own schools

4. Network

  • LTs are connected with like-minded teachers across the UK, within our Lead Teacher community
  • Schoolhouses are established at the heart of the community, with improved links to local schools and feeder schools

5. Share

  • LTs are encouraged to share and collaborate with each other and Digital Schoolhouse
  • Resources, research and expertise form a powerful and collaborative approach to revolutionising computing education

6. Continued Support & CPD

  • Direct contact with a specialist Digital Schoolhouse teacher
  • LTs continue to receive CPD and training throughout the academic year at Digital Schoolhouse’s Ingenuity Days
  • Opportunities to attend CPD event