Diary of a Lead Teacher: spring workshop time!

Author: Martin Sexton, Lead Teacher

With COVID restrictions easing, I have been able to start organising workshops again over the last half term. Primary schools in my area have been keen to get up and running again and make use of this fantastic free resource and CPD.  

Since half term, I have been visiting schools every other week to deliver workshops covering different topic areas in the curriculum. I have run my go to session, Scratch stories, linked to the Victorians for a year 6 class and World War 2 for a year 5 class but I have also ventured out with some new (to me) workshops. I have delivered a session based on the Big Data workshop to year 6 and adapted it to teach spreadsheets and data modelling. I have also adapted the True or False workshop to teach PowerPoint skills by first teaching about research techniques to year 4 and then creating a quiz on Nelson based on this research.  

It has been really amazing to get back up and running again and to see the impact these workshops have on both the students and their teachers and support staff.  

Students have really enjoyed learning how to make interactive stories to bring their learning about WW2 and the Victorians to life and it was fun to branch out and adapt other resources to teach more areas of the primary curriculum. Big data is definitely a favourite I hope to use more! 

I already have session booked in after Easter and hope to continue to take bookings throughout the term. It will be especially exciting as we can start bringing the classes to us again after Easter to get the students excited about joining us at Mildenhall College Academy in the future.  

I am also in touch with some local schools about CPD for their staff to find out how we can support them further.  
